LOST Season 5 Countdown

Love is a Many-Feathered Thing

"I don't know if it was the fashion, or the four of us together, but I felt like myself again."

I felt like myself again with the Sex and the City movie: We get back to the womens' friendships, and leave the men in the dust. Samantha gets her mojo back, dumps the model, Charlotte gets her pregnancy, Miranda breaks through to her feelings, and Carrie gets Big. There's shocking little sex in the city, or out of it, but that helps to leave the focus on the friendships. The movie goes to a dark place. Literally, when Carrie goes brunette. The movie brings it home with the reality of their lives and (gasp) their ages; especially the New Year's Eve scene when Carrie runs through the snow to get to Miranda who insists she doesn't need her to come over. "What's the good of family when they can't even be with you..." This reminds me, and hopefully the rest of the fans of one of my favorite episodes and lines for the show: they are discussing soulmates, and Charlotte tentatively suggests that they could be each other's soulmates. Carrie gets there in the nick of time (2 seconds to midnight), and they eat dim sum and laugh together.

The Big Deal

I can't even bring myself to discuss the cheesiness of Mr. Big. Copying love letters from famous people? Seriously? As my very hetero male roommate pointed out as I was re-watching Season 5, Mr. Big is the Big Cheese. I never noticed before, probably completely distracted by his tall dark and handsome. So was he a billion times more cheesy in the movie? Or had I just been made aware?

The Party

As for our SATC party, the cosmos were fabulous. The audience at the Friday night 10:10 p.m. showing was surprising. Packed sold out house, and everyone participated. Maybe it was the cosmos, but it actually didn't bother me and made the experience more fun. And we weren't the only women dressed up. Just the best-dressed.

Here's to the next 50 years...


Anonymous said...

What an amazing and satisfying night! I can't wait to see it again. I do think that Big was cheesier in the movie than ever before.

I am anxiously awaiting our next female bonding activity...